Natural Remedies & Alternatives.

Always remember this. malignant cancer cells need sugar to survive. This is because, unlike normal healthy cells, cancer cells must rely on the anaerobic pathway called "glycolysis" for metabolizing energy for themselves. For this reason, malignant cancer cells are called "obligate glucose metabolizers." In other words, they literally cannot survive without sugar.
When you consume Refined Sugar, it gets into your bloodstream extremely fast and is a very effective way to feed cancer cells exactly what they need to survive. So, whenever a person with cancer eats refined sugar in any form (white table sugar, cakes, cookies, candies, or processed foods with sugar added), it is like they are throwing gasoline on a fire that they would like to put out. Refined wheat (white flour) is another food that is good at feeding cancer cells because it is so refined that it can turn into glucose quickly in the body.
Whole grain or sprouted grain breads or crackers go into the bloodstream more slowly and that means they won't feed the cancer cells as effectively as refined grains do. Any natural whole food sugars also go into the bloodstream more slowly than refined sugar, and this gives normal healthy cells a chance to utilize the sugar before the cancer cells do. Fruit juices, even though natural, are a concentrated source of fructose without the fiber from whole fruits that slows down its release into the bloodstream.
Therefore, choose to eat whole fruits instead of concentrated fruit juices if you have cancer. (Vegetable juices lower in fructose may be okay. Agave, though natural, is quite refined, so it should probably be avoided like refined sugar as well.
Needle Biopsies avoid Them at All Costs
Needle biopsies are used to diagnose any unusual mass in mainstream medicine. Here's the problem, when the needle is drawn back out of a mass, if it is cancer, some malignant cells may escape along with the needle on the way out. This allows them to move into other areas of the body beyond the original cancer site. An oncologist at the Cancer Control Convention in California very strongly warned people about the dangers of needle biopsies. He even showed a slide from a scan that was taken of a woman's breast. She'd had a localized breast tumor (not yet metastasized) when the biopsy was first done. This scan, however, which was taken a while after the needle biopsy had been performed, showed cancer growing in a straight line between the tumor and the surface of her skin. It was growing right along the pathway of the needle that was pulled out of her! This meant that the needle biopsy procedure itself caused the mass to NOT be localized anymore, making the cancer suddenly more difficult to completely remove surgically via lumpectomy. This happened to my late Father-in Law with his kidney cancer and it probably happens to people with other types of cancer as well who are subjected to needle biopsies.
Avoid Mammograms
There are numerous large-scale studies that have proven mammography is not only extremely ineffective at detecting cancer, resulting in many false positives as well as false negatives, but also can cause cancer or promote the spread of it if you have it! Women should avoid them. Though no early detection test is perfect, thermography (in the form of breast thermograms) is much more accurate than mammography, and perfectly safe and non-invasive. Any woman interested in thermography can search the Internet for explanations about how it works and to find a clinic near them that administers it.
Understand that DCIS Is Not Necessarily Cancer
A single or double mastectomy after a breast cancer diagnosis of DCIS. DCIS stands for "Ductal Carcinoma In Situ" and is a common type of breast cancer diagnosis. But more and more doctors are realizing that DCIS is not really cancer and should not be given as a breast cancer diagnosis in the first place. They are seeing it more often now as a non-malignant, pre-cancerous condition ¾ at least in over 90 percent of cases.
Admittedly, in a small percentage of cases, DCIS can turn into malignant cancer over time. However, for the vast majority of cases, it is a benign condition that may grow gradually but will never threaten the woman's life. However, any woman diagnosed with DCIS, where there is no term such as "invasive" or "infiltrative" in her diagnosis, should know that she has time to research other options and may never need such a drastic solution as a mastectomy.
Don't Expect that Simply Alkalizing Your Body Will Make Your Cancer Go Away
A common misconception is that all a cancer patient has to do is make their body optimally alkaline through diet and health food store supplements and their cancer will go away. This, of course, is based on Nobel Prize winner Dr. Otto Warburg's work with cancer cells. He proved that cancer cells cannot thrive in an optimally alkaline environment.This is absolutely true, but unfortunately many people have misunderstood how to use that information. The work that Dr. Warburg did involved cancer cells in vitro (such as in petri dishes) and they were small numbers of cells in an artificially alkalized environment. When a person has malignant tumors in vivo (meaning in their body) they are dealing with many millions of cancer cells all in one place, maybe hundreds of millions, and each of those cells is producing lactic acid as a by-product of the anaerobic cell respiration that malignant cells use to produce energy for themselves. This lactic acid builds up around tumors and creates its own little acidic environment around the cancer. So, a healthy person can use optimum alkalizing techniques to help themselves avoid a cancer diagnosis, but once they have active cancer, most alkalizing techniques may simply alkalize the rest of their body but not be able to effectively alkalize the areas around the tumors.
Try an Alternative Approach
A common misconception is when people think that alternative treatments are okay for cancers caught early, but if a person is diagnosed with late-stage or metastasized cancer, it's better to go with conventional medicine because it's more powerful. Just the opposite is true! Approximately 75 percent of all people diagnosed with cancer in the U.S. already HAVE metastasized cancer by the time they are first diagnosed.
Once cancer has metastasized, most cancer patients have virtually no chance for a cure through conventional treatment and alternative medicine is their only hope at that point. Of course there are no guarantees for alternative medicine curing late-stage cancer, but a person's chances are at least a lot better with a strong alternative approach that has already proven to have a significant cure-rate, than with conventional methods. Read case after case can be read inthe book Outsmart Your Cancer by Tanya Harter Pierce and on her website about cancer patients with metastasized cancer curing themselves with one form of alternative medicine or another.
Success Story Audio Testimonials
Essiac, given its name by Rene Caisse ("caisse" spelt backwards), consists of four main herbs that grow in the wilderness of Ontario, Canada. The original formula is believed to have its roots from the native Canadian Ojibway Indians.The four main herbs that make up Essiac are:
You may click on each herb for a more detailed description
Beating Cancer Without Breaking A Sweat