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Protocel® History and Description

If you are battling cancer, you Really DESERVE to know about PROTOCEL !

Protocel is a non-toxic liquid formula that thousands of people in the U.S. have used to help them fight cancer. Many have achieved complete recoveries through the use of Protocel alone, even after their cancer had already metastasized to a number of different organ systems. Protocel was developed by a brilliant American chemist named Jim Sheridan who first had the idea for it in 1936.

OUTSMART YOUR CANCER is the only book in print that truly and accurately presents the in-depth story of this remarkable approach to cancer along with detailed instructions on how to use it for optimum results. To also read about Jim Sheridan and his formula from the Sheridan family website.

After decades of perfecting his Protocel formula, Sheridan was able to achieve about an 80 percent cure rate on lab animals with cancer. His work was done at various prestigious laboratories including the Detroit Institute of Cancer Research (now called the Michigan Cancer Foundation) from which Sheridan had received a private grant, and the Biosciences Division of the Battelle Institute in Columbus, Ohio.Between 1978 and 1980, Jim Sheridan was able to get the NCI to run animal tests on his Protocel formula several different times. But, try as he might, he could not get the NCI to administer his formula to the mice according to his instructions.

Thus, the NCI kept running the animal tests incorrectly and coming back with negative results. (Which is why their official website currently claims that Protocel doesn't work.) Finally, in 1990, the National Cancer Institute performed in vitro testing of Sheridan’s Protocel formula on a variety of different cancer cell lines. These tests did not involve animals and they had extremely positive results. To see 9 graphs of the NCI’s official test results, go to Chapter 11 in OUTSMART YOUR CANCER.

Originally, Sheridan called his Protocel formula Entelev, then a slightly modified version of it was named Cancell. From about 1988 to 1992, thousands of bottles of Cancell were given away for free to desperate cancer patients and an extremely high cure rate was achieved. But Sheridan’s efforts to get his Protocel formula scientifically evaluated and approved for mainstream medicine were blocked over and over again by various arms of the cancer industry. Chapter 11 in OUTSMART YOUR CANCER provides all the details of how this amazing and easy cancer cure was suppressed by various tactics of the American Cancer Society, the National Cancer Institute and the FDA.

Since 1999, the formula has been produced as a dietary supplement under the name of Protocel, but still has not be studied by mainstream medicine. Thus, it is not approved as a cancer treatment by the FDA. Protocel can be purchased without a prescription and the company provides two formulations of their product: Protocel Formula 23 (the reproduction of the original Entelev), and Protocel Formula 50 (the reproduction of the original Cancell). Formula 23 appears to work better for some types of cancers and Formula 50 for others. For an in-depth list of which formulation to use for which types of cancers, see Chapter 12 of OUTSMART YOUR CANCER.

As already mentioned, Protocel was developed specifically as a cancer treatment and designed to target and interfere with the anaerobic cell respiration of cancer cells. The scientific basis behind this approach is supported by German biochemist Otto Warburg’s research.

Dr. Warburg was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1931 for his discovery of oxygen-transferring enzymes involved in cell respiration. Warburg was intensely interested in the physiology of cancer cells and was the first scientific expert to prove that cancer cells do NOT use oxygen in their primary method of producing energy to sustain themselves.

Simply put, all normal healthy cells in our bodies use oxygen to burn fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and sugars for energy to survive. But cancer cells have lost this ability and must use an anaerobic (without oxygen) metabolic pathway instead. This anaerobic process is called "glycolysis." Glycolysis involves the fermentation of glucose in an environment devoid of oxygen.

his fermentation process produces the same energy packets of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) that the aerobic process produces in healthy cells, but the fermentation process is much less efficient.

This means that, though cancer cells are prolific at reproducing and spreading throughout the body, they really just barely make enough energy to sustain themselves. In reference to glycolysis, Dr. Mercola has explained on his website,, “This inefficient pathway for energy metabolism yields only 2 moles of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) energy per mole of glucose, compared to 38 moles of ATP in the complete aerobic oxidation of glucose.”

This characteristic makes them different from normal healthy cells of the body which use oxygen in their primary method of producing energy for themselves. Because Protocel only targets the anaerobic pathway of cell respiration, only the cancer cells in a person's body are harmed, NOT their healthy cells! (A good example of how to OUTSMART cancer.) Cancer cells rely on glucose (sugar) to survive.

For this reason, cancer cells are referred to as "obligate glucose metabolizers." This is why you may have heard that cancer cells thrive on sugar, and why it is so important for anyone dealing with cancer to avoid eating refined sugar especially.

Though physicians are not taught in medical school to tell their cancer patients to avoid sugar, conventional medicine has known for a long time that cancer cells thrive on sugar. This is evidenced by how PET scans work for cancer. PET scans involve the injection of a mildly radioactive sugar solution.

After injection of this solution, a scan is performed to see which cells of the body highlight radioactively the most. Since cancer cells gobble up sugar about 15 to 17 times faster than normal healthy cells, any active cancer cells of the body will be highlighted on the PET scan before normal healthy cells have a chance to take up the sugar solution.

Jim Sheridan discovered a unique way to capitalize on this prime difference between cancer cells and normal healthy cells. His formula, now called Protocel, was designed to interfere with the less efficient cell respiration (glycolysis) of cancer cells to the point where the cancer cells can no longer produce enough energy for themselves to survive or to even hold their membranes together.

As a result, the membranes of the cancer cells burst and the cancer cells fall apart. This process of the cells falling apart, or bursting, is called "lysing." The Protocel approach, when used properly, causes cancer cells to harmlessly break down into their basic protein parts, which the body can then eliminate.

The malignant cells don't all break down at once, but over time, this formula can be used to get rid of every last cancer cell. Many more scientific details on how Protocel works are presented in Chapter 9 of OUTSMART YOUR CANCER, including direct quotes from Jim Sheridan's writings as to how he explained his own formula.


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