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Protecting Your Heart Is Easier Than You Think......Chelation Therapy


Interesting Fact: According to the U.S. government, one in every 300 people in the USA will be killed by a blocked artery next year.

Plaque Begins Clogging Your Arteries In Childhood...By the time you've reached age 10, roque calcium molecules, calcium deposited where it doesn't belongs, begin gluing fatty cholesterol deposits to the inner walls of your coronary arteries, forming plaque.

As a a person living in the USA, there's a 90 percent chance that poor circulation will trigger a serious health problem at some point in your life.

Clogged arteries can trigger a Heart or Brain disaster. Each year since, your plaque deposits will have grown larger, gradually starving your heart, brain cells and every other cell in your body, and setting you up for a serious health problem.

More than 6.8 million people in the USA undergo heart bypass, balloon angioplasty and other circulation-related procedures each year.

700,000 Americans will suffer a sudden blockage of blood flow to the brain next year, 83 every hour of the day. Every 34 seconds a person in the USA dies as the result of a blocked cardiac artery.

Little Known Fact: There's an amino acid so safe, that it seeks out and arrests neutralizing the rogue calcium deposits that super-glues plaque to human artery walls.

This remarkable amino acid does not just help remove plaque from cardiac arteries. It helps to scrub every one of the 75,000 miles of arteries, veins, capillaries and microscopic arterioles in the human body.

This breakthrough of nature? Scientists call it "ethylenediaminetetracetic acid," But please don't be put off by the fancy jargon. The rest of us refer to it with four little letters: "E-D-T-A."

EDTA helps remove the calcium "glue" from the blockage. plaque is dissolved, leaving artery walls clean. The EDTA, along with the now-harmless calcium and cholesterol are excreted by the kidneys.

EDTA, was first synthesized in Germany in 1935, is a simple amino acid, very similar in composition to common household vinegar.

In medical studies, EDTA has been shown to be three times safer. In fact, EDTA is so safe for humans, the American Heart Association recommends massive direct intravenous injections as treatment for people who have been exposed to toxic levels of lead, mercury, aluminum, and cadmium.

More than 200,000 children in the U.S. have undergone chelation therapy as a treatment for lead poisoning, for example.

In 1955 in Detroit, Michigan at the Providence Hospital, research conducted discovered that EDTA also helps claw away rogue calcium in your joints, kidneys, the bones of your inner ear, and that glues cholesterol deposits to the inner walls of your arteries.

1,823 scientific studies have proven that EDTA is up to 82% effective at eliminating rogue calcium from plaque, causing clogs to soften, let go and be flushed away! Chelation therapy is widely known to be a powerful remedy for the protection against heart, joint, kidney and even hearing problems!

U.S. medical associations, including the American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM) are dedicated to training doctors in the use of chelation therapy to improve hardening of the arteries and other chronic degenerative issues.

As a result, 1,526 U.S. doctors enthusiastically recommend EDTA chelation to their patients. And chelation therapy is given to more than 1 million Americans and 3 million patients in Canada, Europe, Australia, and South America every year.

Millions of people in the USA and others around the world continue to use chelation therapy to remove toxic metals from their bodies and deadly plaque from their circulatory systems, something else is happening, something truly wonderful occurs: As toxins are removed, as circulatory systems are scrubbed clean and as abundant supplies of life-giving blood begins surging through their bodies, both patients and doctors report that scores of dangerous, chronic, painful, and even deadly health problems simply disappear.

References : National Institutes of Health (NIH); National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine; National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (7 August 2002).

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