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Procapil A Natural Prevention For Hair Loss?

Procapil is a new, natural, revolutionary way of preventing hair loss and strengthening hair from the root. The first function facilitates the communication of cells and holds these cells together in order to prevent the effects of DHT. DHT stands for Dihydrotestosterone it is a chemical derivative of testosterone which plays a major role in hair loss in men and women. It is formed when the metabolism of androgen interacts with an enzyme named 5-alphareductase. It’s generally found in the prostate glands, testes, adrenal glands and hair follicles.

When DHT reaches the dermal papilla cells-which divide and differentiate to form new hair follicles- it undermines the absorption of essential nutrients for healthy hair follicles. Fortunately, with scientific improvements, Procapil greatly reduces the effect of DHT on hair follicles.

Hair loss has troubled the confidence of many people, whether your hair is thinning, receding or balding. It is 95 percent hereditary and if it is evident in your family, chances are you are most likely to inherit it. Procapil provides a new, natural solution that fights the hair follicle aging process, strengthening hair from the root and preventing hair loss. It targets the primary causes of alopecia, which is DHT.

DHT causes hair follicles to have longer resting periods and less growing periods because it absorbs crucial nutrients from reaching the dermal papilla cells. Dermal papilla cells divide and differentiate to form new hair follicles and if they are deprived of these important nutrients, they cannot grow strong healthy hair and eventually will diminish.

Procapil combines three natural ingredients to increase hair anchoring. These are Biotinyl-GHK with a flavonoid from citrus, and oleanic acid from olive trees. It increases your scalps production of cellular binding elements which blocks the effects of DHT. It increases blood stimulation within the scalp, allowing more nourishment to reach the dermal papilla cells, which will produce healthier growing hair.

Studies have revealed amazing results within 2 week periods. Hair follicle incubated for 14 days proved a 121 percent increase in growth stimulation. 18 volunteers were given the opportunity to partake in a Procapil experiment, and after 4 months, 67 percent of those people had their anagen

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